Share documents and information about your academy players easily and safely

With BonaMea Sport you can collect all the documents regarding the players in one place, and give exclusive access to selected parties – the players agent, parents or others.

Uploading and sharing documentation has never been easier.

Visit to learn more about data rooms.
Fortsett å lese Share documents and information about your academy players easily and safely

La systemet minne deg på viktige saker

«Viktige datoer»

Når du bruker BonaMea til eiendoms-og foretakstransaktioner, kan du få systemet til å varsle deg når noe viktig skal gjøres.

Om en avtale skal signeres på en gitt dato, en betaling skal registreres eller dokument skal hentes inn eller lignende, kan BonaMea varsle deg når det skal gjøres. Slik vil du sikre full kontroll på alle tidsrammer i transaksjonen.

Fortsett å lese La systemet minne deg på viktige saker

This is how you can use BonaMea Sport in these special times

Seeking financial aid?

If your club needs financial help, and you are going to apply for different types of financial support, you’ll need to gather all contracts and documents about your business. Use our digital dataroom to get control and overview, and, in a structured and easy way, give access to the bank/institution.

Do you have to temporarily or permanently change existing contracts?

Our digital dataroom can be used for better control over old and new contracts, and for easily and quickly giving access to the persons the contracts concern.